Due diligence
Reviews and Audits
Independent Expert Reports
Technical Valuations
Due Diligence Reports
Resource estimation & reporting
Data/interpretation Review and Validation
Geostatistical Analysis from Ore Domaining
Ore Domain Interpretation & Resource Estimation
Linear Ordinary Kriged Estimation - Conditional Simulation
Inclusion of Geo-met parameters and Ore Processing Risks into models
Resource Classification & Reporting with Mining Constraints applied
JORC and NI43-101 Standard Reporting
gEOLOGY management
Database Review & Validation
Sampling & Assay QAQC Implementation & Reporting
Review of Procedures (sampling, assaying, interp, recon, modelling estimation and classification)
Design, management and supervision of drill programs to de-risk deposits and/or maximise resource classification potential
On-site mentoring and training of Project & Senior Geologists
Grade Control & Resource Modelling, Costing, Procedures and Training
Day to Day Geology Support, On-site & Off-site
Short-Term Secondments
Provision of Geology Personnel (to reduce core backlogs, train geologists and manage drill programs)